Your private event at Miss Miu

Karaoke spectacle

at Miss Miu Badenerstrasse

You're planning an unforgettable evening?
Then grab your gang and turn our stylish Séparée into your exclusive playground!
With space for 6 to 12 people, you can party, laugh and - if you're brave - storm the stage with karaoke. With or without a microphone, Miss Miu turns every occasion into a spicy experience.

You don't pay any rent with us. The only requirement is that you quench your thirst and hunger with food and drinks from our menu. We are also happy to cater to your individual needs.

Let's create an unforgettable time together!

  • From 6 to max. 12 people

  • With or without karaoke possible

Send us your request

Food & Drinks*
Please add 4 and 5.